Jiihe Glass & Wrap Scarf

New item 50% off sale
April 15 - 22
at main store.

I created items with a retro atmosphere.

Jiihe Glass (color frame)
100% Original non rigged Mesh Object. 
(no custom work)

copy, mod, no trans
Texchage HUD including.
- Frame 8 colors
- Lens 5 colors
- Transparency 0-100%
- Resize script including.

Wrap Scarf
100% Original non rigged Mesh Object.
 (no custom work)

copy, mod, no trans
Texchage HUD including.
- Front face 20 colors
- Back side 20 colors
- Resize script including.

⚠ スカーフはノンリグなので修正可能ですが、ヘアはこのようにはみ出る可能性があります。

The scarf is non-rigged and can be modified, but the hair may stick out like this.